WELCOME to My Mind

Welcome to "Under Kody's Hat"! Here is a look at some of the things I think about, know and get to do with Hats on a daily basis.

Feb 11, 2011

Funky Fact Friday

Here are some things I have come across this week that I think everyone should know even though you will probaly never need it.
*In the original version of Cinderella the slipper was made of fur, not glass.... maybe they should have just had it a Hat?
*Owls are the only birds that can see blue
*Iron weighs more after it rusts
*The only king without a mustache in a deck of cards is the King of Hearts
*Cans of soda have a 4x longer shelf life then bottled soda
*To be awoken by a kiss on Valentine's day is considered LUCKY!
*15% of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day

If anyone has some Funky Facts, leave a comment below to let me know what it is, and I will pick a few to feature on one of our Funky Fact Friday posts!

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